We are so thrilled to be able to say that Phase 1 of the work in the Church has been (mostly!) completed. We are grateful to every member, friend, and supporter who contributed to this massive task. The room has been painted from top to bottom, and fitted with new flooring, carpets and blinds. A dedicated team have spent hundreds of hours sanding, painting, scraping, building, bashing, drilling, wiring, cleaning, re-cleaning, and more.
The audio/visual tech has been improved, updated and re-cabled. Screens have been added for better visibility for hearing impaired. Space has been created to be child friendly and those with disabilities. The key words throughout the project have been “clean”, “welcoming” and “safe”.
There has been touching acts of generosity from within and without our church family, as well as miraculous moments of provision – the most gratitude and all glory to God! We are so keen that this space gets used to be a blessing to our village and to other churches – please get in touch if you would like to know more.