We’d love to welcome you to any of our Advent and Christmas services this year. Please feel free to download, share and print this flyer. If you’d like to bring a little one (or more!) to the Christmas Eve Crib service, please get in touch on 07517 056247 – thank you! We’d love to see you!
Sun 12 – Hope at Christmas 6:00pm
Christmas is not always an easy time; for many of us it means facing loss, loneliness and change. Join us for a quiet hour of thanksgiving, reflection and good news for the brokenhearted.
Sun 19 – Carols by Candlelight 6:00pm (note: no morning service today.)
A service to get us in the Christmassy mood – belt out the carols you know and love, hear the story once more and discover how Jesus’ coming brings hope.
Fri 24 – Crib Service (ages 0-6) 4:00-4:50pm BOOKING REQUIRED
Come to dance and sing and hear the Christmas story, then home in time for a hot choc and to hang the stockings up!
Sat 25 – Christmas Day Celebration! 10:00am
Get yourself out of bed for a fun, short service to celebrate Jesus – show us what presents you’ve opened already and start the big day remembering what it’s all about.
Sun 26 – No Service Today
Contact: 07549 863710
To Book email: admin@bethelbedwas.org or text/ring: 07517 056247
*All our Christmas Services are provisional and will be as Covid safe as possible. If you, or someone you live with, have Covid symptoms or are unwell please don’t put others at risk – thank you!