For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have…. each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Cor 8:12; 9:17)
This month we are raising money for two key strategic goals that will help us better meet our mission of caring for families and the needy. We are looking to employ a Families Worker to oversee our work with youth, children, parents, carers and schools; we are also planning to refurbish the back hall to make it cleaner, safer and more welcoming for the groups that do – and will be able to – use it. There are loads of ways you can donate – use the secure Paypal link below (don’t forget to complete the gift-aid box if you are a taxpayer), bank transfer, cheque or cash – text for more information at 07549063710 or e-mail Alan.

Our target of £10,000 is ambitious! How can you give? If every person in our church gave an additional £5 per week (£20 per month) for one year, we would reach our target!
- Perhaps you don’t give, or haven’t reviewed your giving for a while. Now is a great time to start!
- Can you sacrifice a weekly treat (coffee? cake? takeaway?) and donate the value to God’s work?
- Maybe you would like to make a gift but don’t have the full amount you would like to give now – could you pledge to give over for 12 months?
- Can you book a more humble holiday and give the difference to the Lord’s work amongst families and the needy here?
- Can you establish a legacy, so that after you die you can continue to make see our vision become reality?
- Can you help us practically by applying for grants and fundraisers?
Thank you all for everything you do contribute to our ministry – your prayers, your time, your financial giving, your care of one another. We are so grateful for you and the part you play in the life of the church.
*This fundraising giving is separate from our Emergency giving towards the needs of Christians in the Ukraine and those refugees who have fled their country in the wake of the Russian invasion.