Our Christmas services will be scale down this year because of the ongoing Covid-19 safety guidance. We’re holding three additional services in December:
Hope At Christmas
Wednesday 16th December 11.00-11.45am
Monday 21st December 18.30-19.15pm
Christmas is a time of celebration, but for many it’s also a time for reflection; a time tinged with grief or sadness. This year, more than ever, we’ve been reflecting on loss and isolation, and how fragile life is. This service will offer a gentle opportunity to mark Christmas for those who find Christmas is tinged sorrow and sadness. It will be quiet, prayerful and with a short message of hope.
Both the Wednesday and the Monday service will be the same content.
Church members are welcome of course, but our hope is that this will also serve and welcome others from the local community – if you think it might be an encouragement for you or someone you know someone, please let them know this is happening and invite them along.
Christmas Day Celebration
Friday 25th December – 10.00-10.45am
This will be a chance for as many of us as possible to get together to welcome in Christmas Day. Particularly family friendly, the idea will be a fun, Christ centred start to the day.
As usual, our Sunday services will take place at 3pm throughout December, but there will be no “in-person” service on Dec 27th (there will be a video/CD, God willing). We’ll be back on Jan 3rd as normal.
Booking in:
Don’t forget, booking in is required for all our services above, and for our regular 3pm Sunday Service.
The most helpful way to book is online at: bethel_bedwas.eventbrite.co.uk
You can also text: 07517 056247 (make sure to leave your name and contact number)